Natural Remedies for Sharper Thinking

We all feel a bit of brain fog occasionally—maybe after a restless night, or during a stressful life change. Most of us want to think clearly and be at our best whenever we can. So let’s take a look at some natural remedies that can clear the clutter and help us think sharply. 


Supplement Your Brain

Some supplements can help sharpen thinking and support cognitive clarity. A couple of these we’ve discussed before—lion’s mane mushrooms and ginkgo biloba.

Lion’s mane mushrooms have been part of Chinese medicine for centuries. It is believed that they elevate Nerve Growth Factor, which in addition to stimulating nerve growth may also act as a brain anti-inflammatory.

Lion’s Mane is sometimes cooked and eaten, but usually comes in supplement form. With any supplement you’re considering, it’s important to check with your doctor before starting. Supplements are not for everyone and some react with common medications.

Ginkgo Biloba is a supplement that’s extracted from the leaves of the maidenhair tree. Though some people use dried ginkgo leaves to make tea, it’s most commonly used as a supplement in powdered or liquid form.
Experts think that ginkgo biloba improves cognitive function by promoting good blood circulation in the brain. Ginkgo biloba is also a powerful antioxidant, leading to our next natural way to sharpen thinking.

Eat Your Way to Sharper ThinkingImage by Muhammad Ragab from Pixabay


Eat Your Way to Sharper Thinking

Eating a healthy, balanced diet rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids is another way to sharpen our thinking, as well as promoting overall good health.

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in fish, are cell membrane boosters for the brain. Antioxidants in food like colorful fruits and vegetables, beans, and nuts help reduce oxidative stress. They neutralize the free radicals that cause cell damage and disrupt memory. 

Dream of Clear ThoughtsImage by KatinkavomWolfenmond from Pixabay


Dream of Clear Thoughts

We know that sleep is one of our true superpowers. It rests our bodies and brains and, when adequate, allows for greater concentration. While we sleep our brains consolidate experiences and memories, which can have a positive effect on our memories during waking hours.

There are a lot of methods for improving sleep, and a big one is good sleep hygiene. We need consistent bedtime routines that include relaxation rituals like a cup of tea or writing in a journal. We need a dark place to sleep with minimal noise or interruptions. And we need to turn off our screens a couple of hours before bed.

It’s also important to keep a consistent sleep/wake schedule to help stabilize our circadian rhythms so they support nighttime sleep and daytime wakefulness.


Mind Your MeditationImage by Shahariar Lenin from Pixabay


Mind Your Meditation

We usually think of meditation as a way to relax, but it can also be a way to improve focus and concentration. Reducing stress and anxiety helps us to think clearly and so does the mental training that many meditation disciplines inspire.

Mindfulness meditation and breathing training are good places to start on the road to more focused meditation for increased attention and concentration. 


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